Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is a Subluxation?

Subluxation - “The Silent Killer”

Your Nervous System is responsible for controlling and coordinating all other systems and structures in your body. The Central Nervous System consisting of the Brain and Spinal Cord is responsible for sending and receiving messages to and from every tissue, organ and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your spinal neurological network. This vast communication network is in charge of virtually every function in your body and determines whether you enjoy good health or suffer with ongoing malfunction or disease. The central nervous system is so important that nature build a protective case around it, your skull and spinal column. However, even with this “inborn Protection” your nervous system can experience interference, injury or disturbance. We call this damage to our nervous system a Subluxation.

Your examinations have determined that you have one or multiple subluxations that exist in your spinal neurological network. This is a very serious threat to your continued overall health and well being. Many people have subluxations and do not even know that a problem exists. Early subluxation development causes a loss of function in the body, but in the early stages create few symptoms. Most people overlook the early warning signs until significant damage occurs.

Subluxations are often called the “Silent Killer” because of their nature of causing a progressive loss of function, while initially not causing any pain until they are quite progressed. Subluxations usually go undetected for years before they are diagnosed, and frequently have caused progressive deterioration to your overall health potential.

Subluxations have devastating effects on your overall health and wellbeing. Our primary goal is to detect and correct subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system and health thereby allowing your body to heal and establish a healthier you.

Since there is such a hidden nature to the Subluxation, we recommend all individuals be checked for this significant threat to your health. The earlier the subluxation is identified the less likely damage is to occur, so children especially should be checked for interference or subluxation early. Call Wade & Associated Chiropractic and schedule an evaluation, 256-237-9423.

Wade & Associated Chiropractic
A Partnership To Better Health

217 East 7th Street
Anniston, Al
Phone 256-237-9423


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