Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 Natural Highs

In previous corespondence we've looked at evidence showing that feeling happy is good for our physical health. But what are the conditions for happiness? In our next few newsletters we will look at particular aspects of our lives and examine how they can enhance – or detract from! – psychological wellbeing.
An obvious place to begin is with the workplace – after all, most people will spend a significant proportion of their lives at work. And whilst statistics suggest that that levels of absenteeism due to stress now number 13 million working days each year and are on the rise, unemployment has consistently been shown to have a devastating effect on people's wellbeing, over and above the impact of earning loss.
More than this, however, good work can be one of the most positive drivers of wellbeing. Firstly, jobs provide opportunities to mix with other people and can help to give us a vital sense of identity. Secondly, one of the key strengths of working environments is their ability to engage our interests and abilities, which in turn leads to a sense of purpose, self-worth and satisfaction. US psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has coined the term “flow” to describe the experience of being so immersed in an enjoyable activity that we lose track of time; at its best, work can provide these experiences.
Of course, finding a job exciting and challenging is most likely to occur when there is a good fit between the tasks set by an employer and the skill level of the employee. Results of a recent survey have shown that employees who have a positive view about their managers are “those who are most engaged with their work, perform better and less likely to quit their jobs”. Leadership styles that are supportive, offer constructive feedback and encourage autonomy are important for wellbeing at work.
So, the research indicates that work can make us happy. But it is a complex cocktail of job characteristics and management styles that, in reality, holds the key to our wellbeing.
10 Natural Highs

WARNING: Below are extremely powerful substances. Once you get a taste you will be hooked. They can boost your heart beat, send electric tingles up your spine, cause you to grin and give you the ultimate buzz of your life. Prepare to pop a dose of life's ultimate trip of natural highs.
The good news is you can take as much as you want without having to go through the misery of a hangover. The only side effect you will feel is enthusiasm for life. You will wake up alert, inspired and feel more alive than ever before. There's a reason they say mother knows best. When it comes to feeling maximum intoxication, there are no greater thrillers than those created by Mother Nature.
Too many times we waste our energy searching for titillation in artificial substances when the most potent adrenaline rushes of all are right in front of us. In the quest for spine-chilling excitement we often overlook and ignore all the incredible rushes available at our fingertips free of charge.
There's a reason we crave heart-stirring excitement. It's because our bodies were built to enjoy these experiences. It's remarkable how powerful our four senses are especially, when we maintain perspective on their functions.
Have you ever been punched so hard with enjoyment by listening to your favorite band play live? Have you ever traveled back in time by taking a bite of a home-cooked meal or had your breath taken away from the beauty of a sunset over the mountains? Have you ever started to shake with nervousness when someone you like, smiles back?
These moments are continuously happening. All you need to do is awaken your senses, stop searching and open your eyes. Here's a dose of 10 natural highs that will keep your senses stoned with excitement.
1. Falling in love
2. Appreciating natures beautiful landscape and playing on it
3. Creating something and sharing it with others
4. Performing in front of a crowd
5. Accomplishing a long-term goal
6. Accidentally hearing someone say something nice about you
7. Seeing someone you love accomplish their goals
8. Laughing so hard with your best friend that it hurts
9. Meeting someone you admire
10. Having a really good conversation

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